According to WHO, every tenth man over 21 experiences problems with erection. Once faced with this delicate problem, many men begin to feel discomfort and fear, which interferes with further relationships and reduces their self-esteem.
What is potency, how to deal with erectile dysfunction and how to preserve male strength for many years - we will try to answer these and other questions in our material.

What does the male reproductive system consist of?
Before we talk about the norm of potency, let's figure out how the male reproductive system works. It consists of the internal and external genitalia. External ones include:
- Penis.It consists of a root (base), trunk and head. The head is covered by the foreskin - a fold of skin that is attached to the head using a frenulum. The penis contains the vas deferens, which carries sperm to the glans.
- Scrotum.The skin pouch that contains the testicles.
The main internal genital organs include:
- Testicles.Responsible for the production of the hormone testosterone and sperm production.
- Prostate gland (prostate).The organ responsible for the formation of seminal fluid. Many urologists call the prostate gland a man’s "second heart, " because the condition of the prostate affects the duration and quality of sex.
What is potency: norm and deviations
Male potency from a medical point of view is a man’s ability to have sexual intercourse, including the speed of erection, the duration of sexual intercourse and its completion (orgasm).
In everyday life, the word "impotence" is usually used to refer to problems with potency. Doctors prefer a more "benign" term – "erectile dysfunction" and "erectile dysfunction". The term "erectile dysfunction" refers to erectile dysfunction in which the volume, hardness and straightness of the penis are insufficient for normal sexual intercourse.
Normal sexual desire is directly related to a man's age. After puberty, men experience sexual desire with different frequencies: some men after 30 have sex almost every day, for others the desire weakens.
In general, age and intensity of sexual desire can be divided into 4 periods:
From 15 to 25 years
Once sexual activity begins, the average man wants to make love 10-12 times a week. During this period, most sexual intercourse ends quickly - the average duration is 5-7 minutes, and repeated erection occurs quickly.
From 25 to 40 years
Gradually, an active sex life is replaced by a gradual decrease in desire. During this period, it is considered normal if a man has sex 1-3 times a week.
After 30-35 years, many men begin to transfer the initiative to women and prefer permanent partners, avoiding casual relationships for fear of sexually transmitted diseases.
On average, a man aged 25-40 can live six months without sex without harm to mental and physical health.
From 40 to 55 years
According to andrologists, at the age of 40-50 years, it is normal for a man to have sex 1-3 times a week, depending on his physical and psychological condition. At this age, the main role begins to play not the quantity, but the quality of sex. A man wants to diversify his sex life and is open to new things both for himself and for his partner.
55 years and older
After 50 years, it takes more time to achieve a normal erection, and the number of "misfires" during sexual intercourse also increases. Often the reasons for "powerlessness" are complexes about appearance and age. Data on the amount of sex in old age varies widely across countries. According to studies by Social Indicators Research and the Archives of Sexual Behavior, in the United States, 50% of older people (average age 70 years) have sex on average more than twice a month, and 11% have sex on average once a week. After 60 years, on average, 60% of men experience problems with potency.
It happens that men retain sexual desire even after 75-80 years. Thus, the oldest patient of sexologists was an 86-year-old man who retained desire and interest in sex, but was experiencing problems with erection.

Myths about potency
Myths about potency are a common cause of male fears and complexes. Let's figure out why you shouldn't trust them.
"I want 24 hours a day"
24/7 male desire is the most common myth. In fact, an erection is a complex mechanism that cannot "wind up by clockwork. "It's completely normal not to feel desire 24/7, because men also get tired, stressed or just don't want to.
"Impotence is a death sentence"
Erectile dysfunction can be successfully treated, and sexual impotence is a temporary phenomenon. The main thing is not to self-medicate, do not be shy and consult a doctor on time.
"Porn is the enemy of erections"
According to Professor Ari Takman, watching porn does not affect the strength of an erection and the quality of sexual intercourse. According to him, problems in sexual life are not caused by watching porn or erotica, but by the thought of the possible appearance of these problems. In other words, "I look, I think about problems, and problems appear" (the effect of a self-fulfilling prophecy).
"Potency depends on the size of the penis"
Penis size has a psychological meaning rather than a physiological one. The onset of an erection and orgasm do not depend on the size of the penis. And as women say, "it’s not the size that matters, but the ability to use it. "
Types of impotence
A doctor diagnoses erectile dysfunction when a man does not get a normal erection in more than 25% of his sexual intercourse. According to American researchers, more than 150 million men over 40 suffer from impotence in the world.
There are two types of impotence:
- Organic dysfunction.This category includes all physiological disorders: diseases of the genitourinary system, vascular diseases, etc. Such impotence develops gradually: erections occur irregularly, the man does not have enough strength to complete sexual intercourse, and "failures" occur more often. With physiological disorders, a man retains sexual desire, and "successful" sexual intercourse ends with an erection.
- Psychogenic or psychological impotence.Often it develops gradually - complexes, fears and phobias accumulate, causing dysfunction and becoming the cause of male impotence.
Mixed impotence occurs most often. For example, due to health problems, a man cannot complete sexual intercourse normally. Against this background, complexes develop that lead to stress and neurosis. And neurosis, in turn, becomes a psychological cause of impotence.
Only a doctor can determine the type of impotence, understand the causes of its occurrence and select the correct treatment. Self-medication and trying to find the cause on your own will only make the problem worse, so do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
Signs of impotence
"Why isn’t there a penis? " - every man asked himself this question at least once in his life. In fact, a one-time failure is not a reason for concern, but certain alarming signs are a reason to consult a doctor.
There are 5 warning signs of impaired potency, and before you panic, it is better to carefully study them all.
- Weak erection, which quickly disappears, practically does not occur in the morning.
- An erection does not occur during foreplay or quickly disappears when trying to move from petting to sex, but appears spontaneously in the morning or at night.
- Sexual desire gradually fades away, an erection practically does not occur during foreplay.
- There is sexual interest and attraction, but an erection does not appear.
- Inability to have an orgasm during sex (anorgasmia), pain during sex and problems with urination.
Causes of impotence
According to sexologists, it is normal that out of 10 sexual acts, two always end in failure. This is in the order of things and is not a reason to diagnose yourself with impotence. If you have any doubts, feel free to go to a specialized doctor. It will help determine the cause of impotence.
Most likely, it lies in the following:
- The causes of physiological dysfunction include: diabetes and obesity, various heart and vascular diseases, injuries, consequences of previous operations and birth defects.
- The causes of psychological dysfunction are stress, neuroses, nervous strain, fears and psychological trauma caused by failures in the past or ridicule from a partner.
- Mixed dysfunction is caused by a complex of reasons – physical and psychological.
Problems with potency are caused by many factors: from psychological problems to various diseases. But almost all sexual disorders can be treated.
Habits that harm potency
The strength of male potency depends on many factors. To maintain interest in sex for many years and avoid problems with erection, you need to give up habits that are harmful to potency:
- Smoking.Nicotine narrows blood vessels and impairs their elasticity, which leads to deterioration of blood flow in the pelvic organs. Poor blood flow makes it difficult to get an erection and reduces the strength of the penis. 30% of men with problems in their sex life smoke. Scientists from Poland and the Czech Republic conducted an interesting study, according to which 45-year-old smokers have sexual intercourse for only 4 minutes, while their non-smoking peers enjoy a single act for much longer.
- Alcohol.Systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages negatively affects potency. This is especially true for beer. It contains estrogen, a female hormone that disrupts hormonal functions in men.
- Physical inactivity and obesity.Excess weight is the cause of many problems, including potency problems. Urologists believe that the best prevention of erectile dysfunction is walking, which helps normalize blood supply to the intimate area.
- Nervous disorders.Stress, depression, overwork and depression - all this does not contribute to increasing male potency. According to research, men suffering from depression have a decreased level of sexual desire in 100% of cases, and the experience of orgasm worsens in 82% of cases.
- Irregular sex life.Irregular sex causes disruption in the hormonal system and the functioning of internal organs.
Products for potency
In addition to giving up bad habits, potency products that improve hormonal levels and the general condition of the body will help maintain male strength. It is worth remembering that they are good as an additional means to improve potency, but cannot cure erectile dysfunction.
- Nuts and seeds.Nuts contain a lot of vitamins necessary to increase libido. In addition, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts and walnuts contain arginine, an amino acid that has a positive effect on testosterone production.
- Seafood: oysters, shrimp, red fish, etc. In history, seafood was considered the most powerful aphrodisiac - according to legend, oysters were the "secret remedy" of the famous Casanova.
- Yellow and orange fruits(oranges, tangerines, lemons, etc. ) – an excellent remedy for stimulating sexual desire.
- Grenades.In the East, pomegranate is considered a powerful aphrodisiac and for good reason. Research by American scientists from the University of Southern California has proven that pomegranate juice increases testosterone levels and helps with erectile dysfunction.
- Greenery.Parsley is especially useful - it improves the functioning of the prostate gland and helps prevent the occurrence of prostatitis.
- Spices.Ginger, nutmeg, hot pepper - they increase blood circulation, increase blood flow to the genitals and strengthen the body. However, these spices should be used with caution, without exceeding the norm.
You can try to prepare a remedy for increasing potency from ordinary products: mix pureed turnips and carrots in equal proportions and add a spoonful of honey to the resulting mixture. Take 50-60 grams of the product three times a day.
Exercises that increase potency
Physical exercise is a great way not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to improve potency and avoid erection problems. Do you have any doubts? In vain - according to scientists from the University of the West of England, 40% of men with erectile dysfunction after a course of exercises regained normal erections, and 33. 5% increased potency and significantly improved erections.
Before moving on to Kegel exercises, you need to find the musculus pubococcygeus - the pubococcygeus muscle, "responsible" for erections and powerful orgasms. To do this, squeeze your pelvic muscles as if trying to hold back urination. This is the muscle you need.
The classic "male" Kegel exercise looks like this: squeeze your pelvic muscles and hold them tense for 5 seconds. Then relax. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times, ideally you need to do 2-3 approaches 10-20 times a day.
You can supplement your workout with other useful exercises:
- Increase your speed.Squeeze your muscles as quickly as you can. Do 10-15 contractions with breaks of 15-20 seconds.
- Gluteal bridge– one of the most popular exercises. Performed from a supine position. Bend your knees and lift your pelvis as high as possible without lifting your shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor. You can perform the bridge statically, holding the pelvis in a raised position for 5-10 seconds, 10-15 times in a row. Or dynamically, raising and lowering the pelvis 10-15 times.
- Leg lift.Lying on the floor, pull your knees towards your chest so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Raise and lower your legs 10-15 times.
With regular training, noticeable results will appear within 3-6 weeks - potency will improve and the quality of sex will improve.
Medicines for impotence
Modern medicine offers a lot of options for treating erectile dysfunction, but be sure to consult a doctor without self-medicating:
- Drugs to normalize hormonal levels. These can be tablets, injections or suppositories.
- Drug therapy for the treatment of diseases that cause impotence.
- Therapeutic physical education to improve the functioning of the pelvic muscles, lose weight and increase the overall tone of the body.
In the most extreme case, the doctor prescribes an operation to implant a special implant into the penis, completely restoring normal sexual life. Moreover, such operations are possible at any age.
How should a woman behave if her man has problems with potency?
If problems arise in bed, there is no need to panic and arrange a "debriefing" on the spot. A man’s sexual desire largely depends on a woman’s reaction, so if you have problems with potency, behave as carefully as possible.

- Don't try to talk about the problem right away. Men experience misfires painfully and at such moments are definitely not in the mood for dialogue. The best remedy at such a moment is gentle hugs and light caresses so that your partner can relax.
- Try petting and playing together. Problems that arise may be caused by stress and loss of interest. Vary the foreplay with a light massage, caresses or role-playing games.
- If you fail repeatedly, try abandoning the ending. Do not demand an orgasm from a man, try intercourse without completion. For psychological problems, this method "shifts" the fixation of attention from the moment of ejaculation to the process itself, and everything happens by itself.
- If you see that the problem has become regular, gently encourage the man to visit a doctor. If your partner categorically refuses to be examined, try suggesting a joint trip to the doctor - for example, a comprehensive examination program for a couple.
- Talk to the man. Sometimes problems with potency lie in unfulfilled sexual desires. Discuss his fantasies with your partner, because you can always find something that will be interesting to both of you.
And remember - never scold a man for failure. Any harsh word or caustic phrase can become a source of serious frustration for many years. Comparisons like "but he has. . . " are not the best way to improve your sex life - this will not only emphasize your dislike for your partner, but can also make a man think about your betrayal.
Problems with potency are not a reason to panic. It is important to understand that any violations can be corrected, and often in simple and accessible ways. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor and discuss your problems with your partner, because there are no taboo topics in a couple.